Ontario College of Teachers – Free Webinar on Professional Boundaries
This is a sponsored post and all opinions are 100% mine

Where does the time go? I can’t believe that Maxwell and Brandon’s end of the school year is in a few months. I’m amazed at how much change they’ve had to take on and how resilient they’ve been. They switched schools, they have new teachers, new friends, they’re enrolled in the French Immersion Program and learning a new language. Earlier this year, they went from in-class learning to a month of virtual schooling then back in class and virtual school! Hectic right? So, then to add to that, they’re dealing with COVID and all its restrictions. My guys are troopers I tell you! As I wrote that out, I’m like wow that’s a lot of change. And while I claim that the boys have been resilient, it hasn’t been smooth sailing this past school year. It’s been tough and at times emotional for them. Hubby and I have had to really play a big part in helping the boys manage through the changes.
So, let me start by saying that the involvement of a parent with a child in school takes commitment (we all know that). When I was in growing up and in school, my parents only talked to my teachers at parent/teacher interview night, a few phone calls here and there from the school if I was running late or had to leave early or a message would be sent home via a note placed in my knapsack. With my boys in school, there are so many communication channels. Sometimes I can’t keep up. It can be a note, in-person chat at pick up after school, a phone call, direct email, mass email, and logging into the online portal for messages. Externally, there are mom groups, Facebook groups, forums, and associations. It’s a lot and somehow, we’ve managed to activate the right things.
One upcoming action is to register and attend a free webinar, “How to Maintain Professional Boundaries in and out of the Classroom” on April 29th. The event is hosted by the Ontario College of Teachers where there are more than 232,000 members. The College exists to safeguard students by regulating the teaching profession. They set and enforce the standards for teachers, are responsible for initial and ongoing teacher education, license teachers, and investigate concerns about members.
As for the webinar, they will have a panel of experts to discuss the College’s latest Professional Advisory on the importance of upholding professional boundaries with students (e.g. verbal, physical, emotional, and social). My boys spend a great deal of time at school interacting with their teachers and other staff members. It’s not just educating myself for the remainder of the school year, it includes all the school years to follow. The webinar is free of charge and open to Ontario College Teachers, teacher candidates, parents, caregivers, guardians, members of the public, and other education stakeholders. I plan to register as I want to further understand the new Professional Advisory.
Click here to register and to learn more about what the College does, visit oct.ca
Sunshine Xoxo