Mental Health & Well-Being (more tips)
Last Friday, my eldest twin son came running down the sidewalk with a paper in hand telling me that there is a contest at school for Bell Let’s Talk Day. He would need to submit a drawing that captures “How He Stays Happy”. To give you a bit of context to Bell Let’s Talk Day, the campaign encourages Canadians every year on January 25th to take meaningful action to create positive change in mental health. My son’s excitement had him working away that evening and what started off as a drawing evolved to a video showcasing his work and then evolved to a request for me to post it on my website with additional tips that could help others. Proud mama moment and a little bit of validation that I’m doing something right raising this child!
Below is Maxwell’s art submission, Brandon’s well-being tip and our family’s favourite wellness tip.
Maxwell (How I Stay Happy) – in picture, written and video format

Playing Sports make me feel positive, Playing Cards makes me feel happy, Good Deeds makes me feel proud, Planting makes me feel confident, Watching TV makes me feel relaxed, Books makes me fascinated, Drawing makes me feel like I could express my feelings, Writing makes me feel open to everybody, Learning makes me feel smart, Family makes me feel loved, Traveling makes me feel excited, Origami makes me feel calm and Coding makes me feel creative.
Click here to view video
Another tip: I also started journaling this year. I reflect on my day, and I write down what I want to remember and what I enjoyed. I also have a goal to complete 50 good deeds this year.
Brandon’s Well-Being Tip

When I need to relax, I like to read because it’s fun. Reading is like exploring another world. I like books with riddles. The book I like reading over and over again is Sleuth and Solve. I also like Diary of a Wimpy Kid because of Greg (main character). He is funny.
Family’s Favourite Wellness Tip
Get outside! There are so many benefits to spending time outdoors and how it improves your mental health. Fresh air clears your mind, getting your body moving reduces stress, being surrounded by mother nature even if only for a few minutes can boost your mood and reduce depression.

the win!

and my family

These are our core mental health tips that work for us, but I’ve provided other blog posts with more ideas Mental Health Tips & My Wellness Journey and World Mental Health Day – My Go-To Tips. Also, many employers offer mental health and wellness resources for employees and their family. They are valuable tools to have on hand.
I’m always open to suggestions. Please feel free to leave a comment and share!
Yours in health (mentally, physically and emotionally),
Sunshine Lily XO