Ain’t No Party… Like A Lego Party
This is a sponsored post and all opinions are 100% mine.
All kids (big and small) love LEGO. It’s been around for decades, it sparks creativity and kids can play with it independently or as part of a group. So, when LEGO reached out and asked if I was up for the challenge of pulling together a LEGO-themed party (just for fun) I thought it would be great for the kids to enjoy and a great share for my community of readers. I could not say no to this request. We love LEGO like nobody’s business and we’re so obsessed with it that we even made a trip out to LEGOLAND, San Diego this past May … you know for us… I mean the kids.

So, let me start off by sharing that I am not a big DIYer nor am I a huge themed party kind of mom. I love efficiency, simple set up and quick takedowns. I can throw down a good party, but all my effort and time is spent on creating a great experience, serving fabulous food and bringing people together for a good time. And LEGO really makes it that easy.
My boys are huge Ninjago fans and these cute DIY goodie bags deliver a big impact, are easy to assemble and are budget-friendly. You just need to set aside the time to make them. Fill up the bags with stickers, bubbles, candy and of course LEGO surprise packs and you’re good to go. Click link for other LEGO party-related inspo. You’re welcome!

All the action takes place at the kids’ table where they eat and socialize right? So, it’s natural to have LEGO bricks and sets to keep the littles entertained. I would also recommend setting up additional table stations for kids to play at. Have them move from one table to the next and ask them to build something different at each station.

Have you ever stepped on a LEGO? Have you ever had to clean up LEGO? Have you ever had to look for that missing LEGO piece? If you said yes to any of these questions, then you need stackable storage boxes with compartments. I give my husband all the credit for organizing the LEGO bricks by colour because it is no easy task. We have 12 boxes of LEGO and we have one box with a three-compartment box dedicated to figurines, wheels and accessories.
These handy boxes are great for activity tables making it easy for littles to select their LEGO bricks to make their masterpiece. FYI – click link for where to buy storage boxes. You’re welcome again!

All that work for no one to admire? Not at this LEGO party. After each activity table completion, have a separate area for their creations to be put on display. And if there is time and if your guests aren’t shy, do a Show and Tell. Everyone will be oohing and ahhing over each creation. And don’t forget to remind them that at the end of the party, they can take what they’ve built home.

It ain’t no party without a LEGO dancing party! Burn off some of that birthday cake with some dance moves and good tunes. And not just any tunes. Have them dancing to the LEGO Movie soundtrack or play some musical chairs! Click the link for the latest soundtrack from LEGO Movie 2. You’re welcome yet again!

Everyone’s a winner right! And sometimes it’s nice to give a little somethin’ somethin’ in addition to the goodie bags. Select a winner from musical chairs, cast a vote for the best LEGO creation and/or best dancer. You may want to give your guests a heads up at the beginning of the party, that there will be prizes. It’ll build excitement and get them inspired!

And there are so much more LEGO-inspired ideas to add to a birthday party. And really at the end of the day, you’re going to put together what makes sense for you, your time, your budget and your child. And whatever that is, it’s going to be an amazing one.
If you’re a huge LEGO fan, I want to hear all about it!
Until the next party…
Photography: Liz Salzman